I feel just kadege.jimdo.com that exist in the world today, I do not feel no one else can exist around me, but if I realized there is a knock on the door and the sound of a voice calling my name sounded so clear and loud. I wonder who wants to disturb my silence, I do not want to be bothered by anyone, let it go and keep calm pervades every drop of rain that falls away the atmosphere. Slowly the sound of a knock and call it disappeared from the room and just the sound of the rain that increasingly harsh and swift fall on any objects underneath it. I do not understand, even though I already closed the bedroom window and there was no leak in my room space. But I felt there was a trickle of water ran down my cheeks, am I crying? Then I was crying because of what? Because Irfan? Indeed Irfan why? He's busy and certainly she was fine there.
Question It just came out of my little mouth along with the flow of tears that had trickled fell on my hand. Why do I have so whiny? Why am I crying for a man? I've never been like this before, only Irfan who can make me like this. Does he know that he was the cause of all this? Does he feel the same? I do not think so. Just me who felt anything like this. Irfan has no matter to me. I feel it, already 3 months she has properties that further highlight recipe bolu gulung soft and tender coldness. Though he knows that I'm still a lover, whether he realizes it? Dialogue between the two sides in me that just happens. Slowly imagination becomes indistinct, faintly visible and is slowly getting darker and eventually I fell asleep in silence with my baby still hugging stuffed panda.

August 1, there was already two months after the incident which was quite a squeeze tears. I was getting used without news of him. I started a routine of the passion and resurrection are slowly beginning to emerge. Earlier this month I hope all will be fine and be a better month than before. I do not want to continue sadness. I should be cheerful and spirit because this month is the month of the birth of Irfan. The next week that starting from today is the day of his birth.
I wanted to make and plan something different, I want to improve my relationship with him. I went back to have the spirit and soul within me seemed to rise again. The debate for the sake of argument can not be avoided for the sake of the success of the best plan for Irfan's lucky that I have Dini and Sisi. Both of these have been my best friend I regard as my brothers because they are older and have always guided me when all goes not according to the rules. They always succumb and give feedback that occurs in every debate. Creating a simple series of anniversary plans.
Although simple, but I'm sure that there are behind the simplicity of satisfaction and pleasure in the heart of every process. 3 days before D-day, just run plan that has the three of us planned. Suddenly there was a notification short message that comes out in my cell, I opened the message and it was a message from Irfan. At first I was glad not imagine returning a message from him. However, the pleasure it slowly turned into melancholy, sadness, and even tend disappointment out of my feelings. How not, for months waiting for news of Irfan, who came out instead of good news but bad news that he sent me.